As part of the Bridgetown in the Winter Festival held in June, July & August, each year well-known Western Australian artists take up residencies at Donnelly River Village. This year from 23 May to 4 July… Linda Fardoe, Kirsty Sadler, James Giddy, Jeana Castelli and Mark Welsh will each stay in one of the cottages in the village and work in this unique Karri Forest setting. If you visit the village over this time you may have had the chance to see some of the art they’ve produced. At 5pm at the Village General Store each Saturday afternoon between 23 May and 4 July 2019, the current artist in residence will give an informal talk about their time in the village and their art practice. Visitors are invited to stay on, by the fire, for the regular Donnelly River Village social hour. A Perth-based exhibition of selected works produced during the residencies is planned for 15-24 November 2019. Please check back for work-in-progress, updates and more information.